Over 30 years of Teaching experience 

  My Teaching career began in the 1980’s when I started to present live class instruction for the Prosperos.  (see the attached Link)  Since that time, I have taught classes all over the United States. I have also developed my own classes under the banner of Quantum Spirituality.

   I am a licensed Mentor/Teacher for the Prosperos and a Certified Tarot Instructor for The American Tarot Association.   I periodically present an introduction to Tarot class as well as an advanced class for Tarot students. I have presented classes at several Tarot symposiums.  

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Here is a list of  classes that I teach:  

Quantum Spirituality

  This class is the bridge between objective science and Mystical Spirituality. It explores new revolutionary scientific ideas that have come out of Quantum Physics, yet have been known  in metaphysics for thousands of years.


Quantum Translation


  This class will teach you how to revolutionize your thought process.  You will learn a technique that has practical application for any issue from personal to global.


Quantum Evolution


  Is their a purpose and direction in life?  Do we have a role to play ?  This class examines our physical universe from light to mankind in the persuit of a larger pattern.


Quantum Heart

  Emotions give meaning to life and yet their significance and purpose are elusive.  This class will teach you a practical way to work with your emotions and use them to transform your life.

 Quantum Mythology 

  All of the stories we tell that last have roots in evolution.  We relate to these stores either consciously or Unconsciously.  None the less they are part of our Story.  In this class we will explore our Personal mythology as well as Greek,  Christian and many other cultural myths

© Richard Hartnett,H.W.,M. 2016